"In many ways, games are like a society." - Voices in Democracy, pg. 12.
How was creating the game and rules an exercise in democracy?
- Did everyone in your group agree on all the rules?
- How did you deal with the differences and decide on the rules?
- How else might you have handled differences?
- Did the students who played your game think the rules were fair?
- If not, how did you handle that?
When we created our game, we did not all agree on the rules, so we compromised and agreed on the rules we did like. and everyone liked the outcome.
when my group made our game we agree on one thing than did it.when we had two really good ideas we combind them to have a better idea then before
When we made are game we all had really good ideas. We then just figured out which one was the best but that didn't work. We ended up just combining all are ideas into one great game.
In our group we had a leader - two words - "that's me!"(appointed by the others) that finalized the rules and put them on paper. Our game turned out pretty good. We had fun creating it together, but didn't actually get to play it.
When we created our game, everyone agreed on all the rules. Everyone thought the rules were really fair. if we had of had differences we would have compromised.
Games are like a society because there are different rules ,like the laws we have.If a rule in a game is broken, there is a penalty,just like in real life.
In our game, we all thought of really great ideas for our game. Once we had all the ideas, when we had all thought of all the ideas, we picked the best and that was what we did.Eventually we added all our ideas to make a better game. And we all agreed on everything which made it alot easier than having to argue about it. It was great
are rules were hard to figure out so instead of making rules that we like we made rules that the costumers liked
we did agree on some things but when there was a problemwe would tell each other why the idea was bad or good.
because it all has a purpous
Games are like a sosiety because games have rules and the sosiety has rules. If a rule is broken in a hockey game you tipickly get a penlty. If you brake a rule in society you could go to jail.
When we made our game, we had so many good ideas, but we could not fit them all in the game.So we all decided on the rules and compromised. After that, we didn't have many problems and the people who played really liked it.
society is like a game when rules are apleid in a game everyone has to follow them.just like in society
games are like a society because there are rules, you can lose money and gain money just like the real world.
When we did our game we all agreed on the rules but the people who played it didn't. Games are like a society because the government makes the rules and we all have to follow them even though we might not agree with them.
games are like a sicialty because in life and games you gane money and lose
when we were making our game there were some rules we didn't like, or agree on so we either just tried to think of a way to change it but still keep some the origanal rule or change it completly!
games are like society because in games you have rules and a referee and in society yo have a law and a president or prime minister.
Games Are Like Society because there are rules that apply to everyone. Sometimes you don't like the rules but imagine a baseball game and people just ran to whatever base they wanted or a society where people commited crimes without getting in trouble think about how unfair that would be to you
Games are like real life because you had to do what the rules say.
not everyone in my group agreed on the rules we had arguments. we dealed with it by voteing and we had majority rule. the people playing are game thought the rules we pretty fair.
The games are like a society beacause you all have to agree on one thing all together as one group.
games are like society because ther are rules in gaems and rules in society.
Making a game was an execise in democracy because we voted to see which rule was the best, wen we showed someother group our game, the rules were ok and they almost got to the end.
we created our we didnt all agree on the rules so we changed some and made them right
we had to agree with everyones opinion and decide together
you have to follow the rules
my group had to agree on one thing
and do it
(i want to add on to my answer)
games are exactly like society because laws apply to everybody not every one in my group agreed on the rules so we compromised and we made it right the people who played our game thought the rules were good and so everyone had a fun time playing it just like real life if you follow the rules you will have fun too
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